Pack of 2 UC Hair Repair Regrowth Serum & 1 Onion Shampoo


UC Red Onion Shampoo Salt-Free & very less sulfate, Citric Acid-Free, Paraben Free & polyethylene glycols Free, Formalin free & Petroleum free, UC Red Onion Shampoo is a great source of vitamins such as A, B & C. It uses for troubling with glandular imbalance as well as curing a cold and infections.

UC Hair Repair Serum makes scalp healthier, Stop hair fall, Treats with dandruff, broken & damaged hairs, Makes straightening and shiny hairs, Scalp looks and feels healthier. Regenerates hair roots and provide strong repair treatment. Chemical Free natural ingredients, help to stop baldness. Increase the thickness of hairs & help to start of hairs regrowth asap.


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